I’m sort of a fruit purist – give me my strawberries and mango, maybe mix in a nice, sweet juicing orange and I’m good to go (we’ll leave out my need for a nice Huntsman cheese to go with sliced apples and pears after dinner). Rich likes a little ‘sumpin, sumpin’ with his berries, so I was lucky to come across this recipe that he really seems to enjoy. The original recipe came from a ‘Lite’ cookbook and featured Miracle Whip Light and added brown sugar. I use my old reliable Hellmann’s, omit the brown sugar entirely, and Rich seems to like it as is. I try to get the ‘plainest’ lemon yogurt I can find – no ‘Chiffon’ or ‘Meringue’ flavors. By the way, mango yogurt works really well here, too.
•1/2 cup mayonnaise
•1 (8-oz) container lemon yogurt
•2 tbsp skim milk
•1 tbsp poppy seeds
Combine all until blended and chill until needed. This will last at least a week in the fridge; longer if you’re feeling lucky !-)