Cow-B-Gone Vanilla Ice Cream

11SoyIceBowlbfLORich and his entire digestive system have been much improved in disposition and overall comfort since he has gone (mostly) off of dairy products. Just a little bit of butter or a small schmear of cream cheese doesn’t bother him, and he can handle cheese if it’s a rare treat (and he takes a Moo-N0-More pill) at a meal.

Still, a snack, like, say, ice cream, isn’t really worth the risk of upsetting his system, or taking a pill, so we’ve been looking around at options and found this:

IceCreamMakerbfLOWell, OK, in truth, I’ve been looking at this little beauty of a machine for over a year; but couldn’t justify a $50 ice cream maker when we could just as easily pick up a carton at the market. Then, Golnaz told me about a recent visit to Costco, where said machine was $27, such a good deal her mom bought it for her while she was trying to justify a new kitchen gadget to herself. Well, we just happened to be at Costco later that week…

01aSoyIceCreamIngredientsbfLOI found this recipe, by Hannah Kaminsky, author of “My Sweet Vegan” in Alisa Marie Fleming’s book “Go Dairy Free“, and we are both more than happy with the results.

•3 cups plain or vanilla soy milk
•3/4 cup sugar
•1/2 cup canola oil
•1/4 cup light agave nectar
•1 tbsp vanilla
•1/16 tsp salt

03SoyIceCreamDrizzleOilbfLOI will note that next time I might take out 1/8 cup of the sugar – or add some brandy-soaked frozen fruit at the end, it was a touch on the too sweet side, but still tasty.

Add the soy milk and the sugar to a blender container and run for 2 or 3 minutes, until the sugar is dissolved.

With the blender running, stream the oil in very slowly to allow the mixture to emulsify.

07SoyIceCreamAddToFreezerbfLOAdd the agave nectar (some stores will have it with the maple syrup, others in the Organics section), the vanilla, and the salt and pulse to combine.

Stash the mixture (in the blender container) in the fridge for an hour or, more better, two.

When ready to make ice cream, set up your machine – for this little Cuisinart, that means taking the chill cylinder out of the freezer and popping it on the base – then 10SoyCreamContainersbfLOgive the soy milk mixture one last little blend and, with the ice cream maker running, pour into the machine.

30 minutes later, I had one quart of very nice soft-serve-consistency ice cream, which I packed into these two little handy freezer containers I picked up at the store for just that purpose.

Into the freezer for another two hours to firm up, and I promise that you will not miss the cow.

Tho’, now I’m thinking about that brandied fruit…

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2 Responses to Cow-B-Gone Vanilla Ice Cream

  1. Golnaz says:

    I knew you couldn’t pass on it! Don’t you love it already?

    • terry says:

      Yep – that is one sweet little machine. I had a manual version back in the day, a Donvier, which, strangely enough, is still being sold, and at $60 seems kinda pricey when you can pick up the Cuisinart for around $30. I guess it’d be good to make ice cream when the power goes out, but then how would you chill the cannister?

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