Best! Western French Dressing

04bBestWesternFrenchbfLOIt all started with a vintage cooking oil advertisement for French dressing (the cruet on the left). The recipe was simple enough, and I thought it might could even be tasty.

Sadly, I was incorrect.

It was simple to make, but it was also just this side of tasteless, and nowhere near as good as my own, favorite (until now) French dressing. I was about to just go ahead and make the old standby, when I came across an interesting variation…

01aChiliSauceWorcbfLOfresh onion and garlic, a hit of Worcestershire, and, instead of the more usual ketchup, chili sauce!

Fortunately, I had just that morning finished putting up close to two dozen half-pints of really nice chili sauce, so I was good to go from that perspective. All I needed was the blender and five minutes.

•1/4 cup sugar
•1/4 cup red wine garlic vinegar
•1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
•1/4 cup chili sauce
•1 tbsp diced red onion
•1 clove garlic, minced
•1/4 tsp seasoned salt
•1/2 cup veggie oil

02bBlenderAddOilbfLOAdd the sugar, vinegar, onion, garlic, seasoned salt, and the Worcestershire and chili sauces to a blender jar and pulse to combine and finely mince the onion and garlic.

Scrape down the sides of the blender jar and then, with the blender running, sl-o-o-o-wly stream the veggie oil in through the opening in the lid.

Continue blending until all of the oil is absorbed and the dressing has emulsified into a creamy orange color.

05bSaladbfLOTransfer to a jar and stash in the fridge until needed.


And just the dressing for a romaine, feta, Persian cucumber, and sun dried tomato salad.

As it turned out, it also wasn’t too, too bad drizzled over a bit of salmon and quinoa, which rounded out our dinner.

05cSalmonQuinoabfLOOh, and about the chili sauce?

Yeh, you could buy a jar from the market…


you could make your own, it’s pretty simple, and much better than the store bought stuff.

I have a nice recipe, here, but if you have a little patience, check out tomorrow’s Parfait! post – wherein I take a nice chili sauce and make it so much better.

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