(and, ermmm, a most Happy New Year)!
I was given this big bag o’ potential goodness from the world’s best mom-in-law (Doris) over the Christmas holiday.
It contains recipes and recipe ideas that she’s saved over the years; everything from notes written on old memo pads and checking deposit slips to recipes clipped from magazine ads.
She decided that she probably will not be going through the stack in search of new food ideas, but that I very well might. She was correct, and, as a matter of fact, I plan on turning it into a goal and a project for the coming year.
Every Wednesday in 2014, I’ll be featuring a recipe pulled from the bag, so tune in next Wednesday, January 8, for the first of 52 (hopefully) tasty ideas – and, of course, other (also hopefully) worthy works around food and foodstuffs Mondays through Parfait! Fridays, right here at buzzyfoods.com.