Parfait! Thousand Island Salad Dressing

03SteakSaladPlatebfLOIt’s no secret that I haven’t bought salad dressing in years. Why should I, when I can make my own salad dressing at home with less sugar and sodium and next to no funky additives? The only salad dressing I actually seek out to buy is the creamy garlic dressing from Pompeii in Chicago; give me a jar of that and a loaf of crusty bread and color me a very happy camper, and I am even now working on my own version of that dressing.

But first, let’s consider a classic: Thousand Island Dressing. This recipe does have a

01bIngredientsbfLOkindofa lot of ingredients, but nothing very exotic or hard to come by, so why not make it yourself?

•1/2 cup mayonnaise
•2 tbsp sour cream
•2-1/2 tbsp chili sauce
•1 tbsp Dijon mustard
•2 tbsp diced pimiento
02aThousandIslandbfLO•1 tbsp dill relish
•1 tbsp green olives, diced – mebbe 6 small
•1/2 tsp capers
• 1/2 tsp Tabasco
•1/8 tsp celery salt
•1/8 tsp Cayenne
•1 tsp dried chives
•1 tsp dried parsley
•1 tsp dried onion slices
•1 tsp dried Shallots

ChefSaladbfLOCombine all the ingredients together until nicely blended, then stash in a covered jar in the fridge for at least three hours before serving to allow the flavors to blend.

I like mine over a nicely chopped Iceberg salad with asparagus, Persian cucumber, and sliced sweet onion; but it really makes for a fine dressing over any salad, and just think about the sammich possibilities!

Go ahead, enjoy your salad (or sammich), secure in the knowledge that you know exactly what’s been put into your dressing.

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