Maple Pecan Cream Cheese

01ccreamcheesebzloIt was a beautiful autumn Sunday morning, and we had absolutely nothing planned for the day… well, except for Rich to prepare for two weeks of bidness travel; so, I resolved to take a bit of the sting of his having to pack and sort and all that by making waffles.

But… not just any waffles.

Spicy carrot cake waffles and, to go with?

Maple syrup and pecan cream cheese to spread into those tasty little dimples.

01acreamcheesebzloThing is, whether you plan on making waffles or not, you should think about making this flavored cream cheese.

It is simple to toss together, and even has a secret ingredient!

•8 oz cream cheese, softened•1/4 cup maple syrup
•2 tbsp chopped pecans
•Freshly ground black pepper

Black pepper!?!

I know, but trust me, just a bit will add a depth to your sweet cheese spread.

Combine the cream cheese together in a mixing bowl with the maple syrup and pecans.

Give it a taste.

07cwafflesbaconclosebzloGrind a bit of black pepper in and give it another taste.


Stash in the fridge until needed, then slather over your waffles, or bagels, or toast; it’ll work well with most anything.

Now, those carrot cake waffles?

They are also wicked tasty, but, kinda involved to make, so let’s meet back here, tomorrow, for all of those details.

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