Sweet Heat Almonds

SpicedAlmondsVertbfLOI made some spiced mixed nuts for Rich’s brother Gary a few years back that he really liked. Of course, I misplaced that recipe and have been in search of a worthy substitute ever since.

This is the closest I’ve come so far. They do have a bit of a bite. I questioned the use of cayenne AND chili powder – but thought, what the hey? Or, could it be that I use my own blend of chili powder? Or, the red pepper flakes; too much?

Is a puzzlement.

No matter. They’re still tasty as all getout; and simple, too! With all due thanks to Sherri Jackson and the nice folks at AllRecipes.com – tho’ I have made (once again) a few adjustments to spices and amounts – based on what I had on hand.

01SpicedAlmondSpicesbfLO•3/8 cup sugar
•1-1/2 tsp cayenne
•1/2 tsp garlic powder
•1/4 tsp salt
•3/4 tsp chili powder*
•1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
•3 tbsp oil
•1 lb. raw almonds (approx. 3 cups)




Combine the sugar with the spices in a large bowl. Stir in the oil and mix until crumbly.




03SpicedAlmondsBowlbfLOAdd almonds and toss to coat.

Spread the nut mixture into a foil-lined baking pan and bake at 250º for 30 minutes, or until lightly browned, stirring every ten minutes.

Cool. Store in an airtight container.

One munchie down for the big feast day..

*My Chili Powder Blend:
•1 tsp paprika
•2 tsp ground cumin
•1 tsp cayenne pepper
•1 tsp oregano
•2 tsp garlic powder

Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container.

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