Spiced Honey Vinegar Chicken

HoneySpicedChickenVertbfLOGood, and pretty good for you, to boot – can’t beat that with a stick!

This recipe showed up in my inbox a while ago from the nice folk at Cooking Light Magazine, and I finally had the thighs to try it out.

Before you start plotting substitutions; yes, this recipe calls for boneless and skinless chicken thighs which, rather surprisingly, are not as bad for you as some (read, my doctor) might think. The darker meat packs more flavor, and I know I recently read an article in a magazine somewhere that boneless and skinless thighs are actually higher in some good for you stuff than the ever-popular chicken breast! Of course, I didn’t save that article, but here’s some light nutritional reading for you, should you feel up to it. If you don’t, I’ll save you some of the bother and cut to the chase: boneless and skinless thighs are moister, pack more good chicken-y flavor than does it’s chesty counterpart, and I am confident would hold up as well to the broiling called for in this recipe as they did to the high temperature HSChickenSpicesbfLOroasting I chose (I love my gas range, but really hate that on-the-floor bottom mounted broiler).

Bottom line: more flavor and still moist after exposure to high temps – even with a lack of bones and/or a marinade.

Interested? I know I was.

HoneyVinegarbfLO•2 tsp garlic powder
•2 tsp chili powder
•1 tsp salt
•1 tsp Colman’s mustard powder – the original recipe called for cumin, which is not my favorite, so I swapped out some goodness from that happy yellow box
•1 tsp paprika
•1/2 tsp ground red pepper
•8 skinless, boneless chicken thighs
•Cooking spray

•6 tbsp honey
•2 tsp cider vinegar

Preheat your broiler – or your oven to 450º.

Combine the seasonings together and toss over the chicken (I used a gallon size bag) to coat well. Place the coated chicken on a broiler pan or in a rimmed baking pan lined with foil and lightly coated with cooking spray.

Stir the honey and vinegar together in a bowl and set aside.

HSChickenBakedbfLOTo broil:
Put the chicken under the broiler for five minutes per side, then remove and brush with half of the the honey-vinegar mixture. Return to the broiler for one minute, then turn over, brush on the remaining honey-vinegar and broil for one more minute.


HSChickenPlatebfLOTo bake:
Pop the chicken into your hot oven for fifteen minutes, then turn and bake for another ten. Brush half of the honey-vinegar over and bake for ten minutes, then turn, brush with the remaining mixture and bake for five more minutes.

Also done.

We had ours with some spiced Basmati rice, a few of those baked hushpuppies, and a salad.

Tasty, quick to toss together, and not too, too bad for you.


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