Seaward Inn Pork Chops

SewardInnChopsHorizbfLOA friend and former coworker gave me this recipe a long time ago, and I just came across it while sorting through an old recipe clipping file. I’d forgotten how good it is.

The Seaward Inn of Rockport, Massachusetts is still around, and still feature this recipe on their web site; so if you happen to be in Cape Ann, look ‘em up and check ‘em out!

Combine and cover the bottom of a baking dish with:
•1/3 cup brown sugar
•3/4 tsp salt
•1/8 tsp pepper
•1-1/2 tbsp lemon juice
•1/3 cup chili sauce
•1/3 cup water
•1 medium onion, chopped fine

•6 pork chops, about 1 inch thick
•1/3 cup flour seasoned with salt and pepper
•1/2 cup evaporated milk
•1 cup bread crumbs (I used panko)

Trim excess fat from 6 pork chops and dip in seasoned flour, then in evaporated milk and on one side in seasoned bread crumbs.

Arrange chops in baking dish, crumb side up.

Cover tightly and bake in preheated oven at 350º oven for 1-1/2 hours or until tender. Remove cover the last 20 minutes so that crumbs will brown.

Check from time to time to see if more liquid is needed and add tomato juice.

I served ours with couscous, Carrots Vichy, and a green salad.

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