Carnitas My Way

PorkTacosVertbfLOWe had that lovely roast pork for dinner; but what to do with the leftovers? My dad was kind of partial to a cold sammich of sliced pork and a bit o’ ketchup on white bread – which always seemed a little off to me.

Imagine my surprise, then, to realize how wicked good this variation on that theme turned out to be – ermmm, except I used corn tortillas in place of the white bread, homemade Catalina dressing in place of the ketchup, and added a nice, fresh leaf of romaine along with a relish of diced onion and pickled jalapeños – YUM!

•Leftover roast pork, sliced
•Corn tortillas
•Pickled jalapeños  (I used hot nacho slices)
•Catalina dressing – don’t buy it, a tasty and simple recipe is here
•Vegetable oil

Dice the onion and mix with some of the drained and roughly chopped jalapeños. Set aside.

Heat a little canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add tortillas, one at a time, and sauté lightly on each side until lightly toasted. Drain on paper towels.

Place a romaine leaf on each tortilla and top with pork and onion/jalapeño mixture. Drizzle a little Catalina over all, fold over and enjoy.

Now THAT’S what I call lunch!

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