Caramel Puff Corn

09bCaramelCornBowlNicebfLOWarning: this stuff is wicked simple to make, and really tasty, almost addictive –  so try to make it when you have folk coming over, or mebbe as a giftable, ’cause if you just make it to have around the house, you will find yourself munching and munching until the whole thing is gone. I would also mebbe add nuts next time. Just sayin’.

Thanks to Terri (Terry?) at Jon’s Hair Designers in Gurnee, who had this little bit of heaven on the counter for all to try, and thanks to da Google for finding the recipe.

•1 (8 oz) bag corn puffs (look with the chips)
•1 cup butter (no substitute)
•1 cup brown sugar
•1/2 cup light corn syrup
•1 tsp baking soda

•1 or 2 cups almonds or pecans

03ButterSugarsBoilbfLONotes: I used my trusty (and large) anodized aluminum roaster which is basically non-stick, and a tall 6-quart stock pot to make the syrup, because it will foam up when you add the baking soda.

On to the goodness!

Heat your oven to 250º.

Bring the butter, brown sugar, and corn syrup to a boil, stirring constantly, and let bubble for two minutes.

05AddSyrupToCornbfLOStir in the baking soda – this is where stuff will get foamy, so you’ll be glad of a tall-sided pan – then remove from the heat.

Add the syrup to the corn puffs in the roasting pan and stir to coat as much of the corn as you can, don’t worry if you can’t get it all, there’s some baking and more stirring to do which will take care of that.

07aCaramelCornReadybfLOPop the corn into the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes, stirring every 10 or 15. I have a pretty miserable track record making snacks like this, so I went with a nice stir every ten minutes.

If you are planning to add nuts: I haven’t tried this yet, but I would wait until after the first of second stir to add them; I’ll post an update when to try this and let you know my results.

CornPuffsBagbfLOAfter 40 minutes and four good stirs, this is what I took out of my oven, and man! was it good – especially still warm. I let it cool, then stashed what was left in zipper bags.

You’ll either love me or hate me for this recipe, but you have been warned.

UPDATE:There has been some question as to what, exactly, are ‘Corn Puffs’ – mostly from other East Coast ex-pats like me. They are sold in the chips aisle at – I guess – most every market. I found this bag at our local Target, a local brand now made by a national company. Hope this helps.


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2 Responses to Caramel Puff Corn

  1. Kara says:

    Corn puffs….like Kix?

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