Strawberry Mousse Tart

So, yeh, this was tasty.


the original recipe, from the nice folx at Bonne Maman, made a heckuvalot of mousse; like, enough to make three full tarts or so. I ended up giving the leftover mousse to a friend who then filled mini-tarts with it and brought it in for the people who work for her, which made them very happy, and pretty much cements my celebrity status at that particular pharmacy.

So, forewarned is forearmed. If you want to make three tarts, go ahead and triple the tart dough recipe and go to town. Or, mebbe, just cut back on the mousse.

Gluten Free Crust:
•2 cups super fine almond flour
•1/4 cup sugar
•1/8 tsp salt
•1/4 cup salted butter, softened
•1/2 tsp vanilla extract
•1 large egg

Strawberry Mousse Ingredients:
•2 pkg lemon jello
•3 tbsp cold water
•2 cups heavy cream
•4 oz cream cheese
•1/2 cup powdered sugar
•2 jars Bonne Maman strawberry preserves
•1 tsp salt

Heat your oven to 350º and line the bottom of a tart pan with parchment paper.

Beat the crust ingredients together until combined, then pat into the tart pan, flattening the bottom out with a flat bottomed glass.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove and set aside to cool.

Stir the three tablespoons of cold water into the lemon jello, then let rest for five minutes or so until the mixture has thickened.

Heat the pan on high for two minutes.

Do not allow the jello to boil.

Turn off the heat and stir in the strawberry preserves until well blended.

Allow to cool.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the cream cheese, heavy cream, sugar, and salt until thick and creamy.

Add the strawberry mixture and mix on low until well blended.

Pour into the cooled tart shell, cover, and pop into the fridge for at least three hours or (always more better), overnight.

If you’ve made the full amount of mousse, add the remainder to a bowl, cover, and chill; mebbe saving it for another day.

When ready to serve, remove from the tart pan and cut into slices.

I chose to serve mine with whipped cream and some sliced strawberries that I hulled, halved, and tossed with one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of Cointreau (you could substitute orange juice, if you like) and let rest for ten minutes.


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