Vote Now!

DeviledMacaroniBakeVoteWe’re traveling today, campers, so I thought I’d post this recipe for your kind consideration and comment: home made macaroni and cheese, topped with deviled eggs and chili sauce, then baked.

Tasty? Disgusting? We want to know! I think this recipe looks bad enough to be good, so am thinking of actually MAKING it. Others? Not so much.

Here’s the deal – vote yes or no, either in the comments section or via email (just hit ‘email me’) by Thursday morning, September 9 – let’s say 8:00 AM Central – and we’ll publish the results in that morning’s post.

Vote early and often – and not to worry – no representatives will call or come to your door.

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One Response to Vote Now!

  1. Jenny - says:

    the best foodie site ever! ha ha ha
    give it to a good home – where the corners will be turned down – me I destroy the magazine by ripping out the articles/reciepes I want and toss the rest..
    have fun in Wi today.

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