Feeling Baggish?

buzzyfoodsWe’ve been tossing around the concept of BUZZYFOODS STUFF here for a while, but just recently got off our collective rears to actually run a test with two different companies – Zazzle and Cafe Press (if anyone is interested in creating their own brand of stuff).

The nice folks at Zazzle offered a traditional grocery tote in rather sturdy natural canvas – no doubt perfect for gallons of milk  – or maybe even bricks (it feels THAT sturdy) – but the printing is just OK (color matching NOT good), and I wasn’t able to get the logo as big as I would have liked – harrrumph.

BuzzyfoodsBagsbfLOCafe Press had a tote bag that has the bottom footprint of the Zazzle tote – but is not quite as heavyweight (tho’ it is, itself quite sturdy). It does, however, offer longer straps suitable for shoulder-slinging; better, truer color reproduction of my logo (always important, darlings); AND – I was able to have the logo the size I wanted (ALSO always important).

The winner? Cafe Press. I also should say that we have a mug we ordered through them featuring our friend Allie’s blog a fairly long time ago, and it has held up to use and dishwashers better than some regular crockery we’ve bought, so I have high hopes for durability.

Look for BUZZYFOODS bags SOON at purveyors of fine comestibles everywhere! Well, erm… no, actually – tho’ it would be kind of nice. Still, if you happen to know any purveyors of fine comestibles, you could have them drop us a line and we could, like talk… deals can be made, bags can be sold…

MangoHoneyYogurtbfLOAll right, bags and commerce aside, I thought I’d offer an update on the poppy seed sauce for fruit recipe I featured back in early May. Rich really likes this as a take away breakfast, spooned over berries at work. I have always liked the fact that the original recipe was easy and healthy – calling for lemon yogurt, mayonnaise (well, the original recipe called for light Miracle Whip), skim milk, brown sugar, and poppy seeds. I’ve always used Stonyfield Farms yogurt, Helmann’s regular mayonnaise, skim milk and poppyseeds, and Rich has never missed the brown sugar (I kind of figured that made up for the use of regular mayonnaise). When I was last at our local Jewel, there was no plain lemon yogurt to be had – but there was THIS interesting option:

OH MAN IS THIS GOOD! I actually think this makes a far better sauce than did the lemon. By the way, if you don’t feel like clicking back to the original recipe page, here it is again:

1/2 cup good mayonnaise
1 6-oz. container Stonyfield’s Mango Honey yogurt
2 tbsp skim milk
1 tbsp poppy seeds

Mix together and serve over berries or fruit.

You may thank me now.

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