Roasted Artichoke Hearts

RoastedArtichokeHeartsVertbfLOHere’s another bit o’ munchy goodness from the barefoot contessa in her latest book “how easy is that?”.

I will confess that, due to pantry differences and errors in shopping lists, I needed to make a few small – shall we say ‘adjustments’? – to the recipe; but, when Rich pauses after his first taste, opens his eyes wide and proclaims “YUM” – I think I can safely say it worked. This works equally as nicely as an appetizer (as above) or a salad course.

Here then, the recipe with my, ermmm, tweaks…

•2 boxes (9 oz each) frozen artichoke hearts, defrosted
•Good olive oil
•Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper – you know the drill here – I used coarse sea salt
•1 shallot, minced
•3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice – I used freshly squeezed tart orange juice
•1 tsp Dijon mustard
•1 tbsp cider vinegar
•1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
•3 tbsp capers, drained – maybe use a tad less next time
•1 roasted red pepper, sliced thin – this would be a good place to use up any balsamic roasted peppers you have lying around
•1/4 cup minced red onion
•Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute and a bit of dried basil
•Pinch of hot red pepper flakes

Preheat the oven to 350º.

Place the artichoke hearts on a sheet pan and toss with 1 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper until the artichoke hearts are coated. Spread out into 1 layer; roast in the oven for 20 minutes, turning after 10 minutes (mine took a good 25 minutes all told to get a bit of brown char here and there).

Meanwhile, make the vinaigrette. Place the minced shallot, juice, mustard, vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade. Process for 5 seconds. Add the basil leaves and process into a green puree. With the processor running, slowly pour 1/2 cup olive oil into the bowl through the feed tube until the ingredients are finely pureed. Set aside.

Place the roasted artichoke hearts in a bowl and toss with enough vinaigrette to moisten. Add the capers, red peppers, red onion, parsley, and red pepper flakes, if using, and toss gently. Let stand for 30 minutes for the flavors to blend or chill overnight. Serve at room temperature.

The leftover vinaigrette stands on it’s own nicely as a salad dressing, too.

TurkeyBrine01bfLOOn a seasonal note – the turkey is sitting quietly in it’s brine in the downstairs fridge – I’m using an adaptation of Sunny Anderson’s recipe from Food Network. With, of course, a few small adjustments.

•8 quarts water
•1 bunch sage
•1 bunch rosemary
•1 orange, halved
•1/4 cup kosher salt
•1 tsp whole peppercorns
•1 cinnamon stick

Combine all ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil. Simmer, stirring, until the salt dissolves.

Let cool completely, then pour over your turkey in a tall pot or bucket and stash in a corner of your fridge for up to three days.

Remove the turkey from the brine, rinse, pat dry, and roast as you will (discard the brine).

Results after the feast!

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