Spanish Sausage Rice

SpanishSausageRiceVertbfLOI was starting on my year-end attempt to purge at least ONE of the freezers, and came across this packet of hot (I was almost certain) Italian sausages. PERFECT for a diavolo sauce (yes, I know it is traditionally a seafood sauce – too bad)!


Rich had brought ravioli for lunch twice already. A quick spin on da Google, and I came across a little gem on that I could easily adapt to what I had on hand. The original recipe is called Spicy Spanish Sausage Supper, if you’d care to look it up.

•1 lb hot Italian sausage, cooked and sliced
– I pricked mine and roasted them for about 40 minutes in a 350º oven, turning halfway through
•1/2 cup chopped celery
•1/2 cup chopped onion
•2 or 3 tbsp diced pimiento – the original recipe called for green pepper, which Rich vigo yellow ricedoesn’t care for, so I rarely keep it around; and I had used my last red and orange peppers the day before – pimiento seemed a good substitute to me
•1 tbsp canola oil
•1 (14 oz or so) can chopped fire-roasted tomatoes
•1 (4 oz) can diced green chiles
•1 pkg Vigo’s yellow rice
•1/4 cup sliced stuffed green olives
•Two or three sun-dried tomatoes, sliced
– I used oil-packed, but if you can find them in balsamic vinegar, go for that
•2 cups water

Heat the canola oil in a large skillet and sauté the celery onion and pimiento for five to ten minutes until the onion is tender.

Add the sausage, water and all remaining ingredients, stir and simmer for about twenty minutes (stirring occasionally)until the rice is done.

No (well, little) muss, no fuss.

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