Clam Puffs!

ClamsDrainedbfLOCanned clams…

Surprisingly tasty in a dip (one might even go so far as to say it’s wicked good), and very nice as a quick addition to a red or white sauce for pasta. But, puffs?

Yep – these little beauties are kinda like  miniature popovers with bits o’ clam goodness folded in, then baked and served warm with a nice sauce – my Spicy Garlic-Pepper Sauce was very popular with these lovely little tidbits.

02cEggsFlourbfLOOh, and they go together in next to no time, remain light and fluffy even after being kept only moderately warm on a sideboard, so there’s really no reason not to try them today.

Big thanks, BTW, to the nice folk at Betty Crocker for this recipe, from a supermarket book I picked up in 1988!

•1 cup skim milk (or, just use water)
•1/2 cup butter
•1 cup flour
•1/4 tsp salt
•4 eggs
•2 cans of clams, drained and rinsed
You could also substitute 1/2 cup of oysters or 6 oz. of crabmeat – both rinsed and well drained
•Cocktail sauce, for dipping – as I noted, I used my Spicy Garlic-Pepper Sauce

11ClamPuffsReadyToBake02bfLOHeat oven to 400°.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the milk (or water) and bring to a boil over medium high heat.

Stir in the flour and salt, turn the heat to low, and stir like you mean it for about 1 minute – as if you’re making a really thick roux.

12ClamPuffsBakedbfLORemove from the heat and beat in the eggs, one at a time, until the dough is smooth – tho’ it’ll still be thick.

Stir in your well-drained clams (or crab, or oysters).

Drop the dough by spoonfuls onto parchment-lined baking sheets and bake until golden and puffed – about 25 minutes.


And, how easy was that?

Step away from the meatball – well, at least for once, you know, as an option – and embrace the puff.

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