Aloha, Ribs!

03bRibsSauceBestbfLONo, I am not saying so long to ribs – they remain one of my favorite ‘treat’ dinners.

I was thinkin’ I’d be saying goodbye to this recipe I came across on a vintage advertising site – I cannot recall if the ad was selling canned pineapple or tomato sauce, coulda been both! It’s was a simple, straightforward recipe that yielded simple, kinda boring (if certainly colorful) ribs.

I made the recipe twice, tweaking as I went, but I think I may have one more try in me…

02cRibsBakedbfLOSo far, I’ve switched the called for cubed pineapple in syrup for crushed pineapple in juice, and it was an improvement, but, let’s lay the groundwork:

•3 lb pork spareribs
•1/2 cup onion, diced – about 3/4 cup
•1/4 cup green pepper, diced
•2 (8 oz) cans tomato sauce
•1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
01aRibsSaucebfLO•1/3 cup vinegar
•2-1/2 cups (1 can) crushed pineapple
•1/4 cup brown sugar
•1/2 tsp dry mustard
•Salt and pepper

Heat your oven to 350º.

Cut halfway through every third rib or so in your rack, then season the entire rack well with salt and pepper (I used my seasoned salt).

02bRibsBakedbfLOPlace the seasoned ribs in a baking pan – I used my non-stick huge roasting pan, if you use another type of dish, you may want to consider lining in with foil.

Cover the pan tightly with foil and bake for 75 minutes.

While the ribs are baking, make the sauce by combining the remaining ingredients together in a bowl (don’t drain the pineapple).

04aRibsPlatebfLOOnce the ribs are ready, remove the foil and pour off any excess fat from the baking pan.

Pour some of the sauce over the ribs and return to the oven, uncovered, for 45 more minutes, brushing additional sauce over the ribs every 15 minutes.

Serve as you will, Tthat notching you did in the ribs before cooking makes dividing the rack up a snap. I had these with a baked potato and salad on the side.

Not bad ribs at all, just a tad boring.

But! I have an idea. Check out an upcoming Parfait! for details…


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