Parfait! Aunt Buzz’s Banana Bread

05BananaBreadSlicedbfLOWait… what?!?

How can it be Parfait! – it’s not Friday yet?

True, it be but Tuesday… however, a few months ago, buzzyfoods switched web hosts, and in so doing lost a whole bunch of image links on just about all of the (now a bit over 1000!) posts.

BlogUpdatesbfLOAs I noted in another post, this wasn’t totally a bad thing – I’d been meaning to go back and upgrade, watermark (that little buzzyfoods square in the bottom corner of now ALL of the images on this here web thing-y), and just plain tweak all of those older images anyway.

So this change of web hosts, with its attendant loss of links, just kind of shoved me (kicking and screaming mebbe a wee, tiny bit) into finally doing it.

BananasFlopbfLOI’ve been working backwards, and am now just soooo close – right now I’m updating posts from August, 2010 (I started in April of that year) – that I hope to have everything updated and tweaked and generally shiny-bright by the end of this week (da Google willing and the creek don’t rise).

All this going back and updating and tweaking has also put me in the mood to make, and feature, some of these older recipes again, and so I decided to spend the rest of this week featuring repeats.

BananasMilkbfLOErmmm, I also had these bananas kinda going bad on the counter…

So. Short story long… here’s my Aunt Buzz’s banana bread recipe, again. Trust me, it’s worth repeating.

One Loaf:
•2 medium ripe bananas
01bFlourSiftbfLO•1/2 cup milk
•2 cups flour
•2 tsp baking powder
•1/2 tsp baking soda
•1/4 cup room temperature butter
•1/2 cup sugar
•1/2 tsp salt
•2 eggs
•1/4 cup black walnuts (optional)

Two Loaves:
•3 medium ripe bananas
•3/4 cup milk
•3 cups flour
•1 tbsp baking powder
01cFlourSiftedbfLO•3/4 tsp baking soda
•3/8 cup room temperature butter
•3/4 cup sugar
•3/4 tsp salt
•3 eggs
•1/2 cup black walnuts (optional)

Heat the oven to 350º.

03aBatterReadybfLOSift the flour together with the baking powder, baking soda, and salt at least twice – Aunt Buzz’s direction was to do this thrice, but I was in a hurry and running late and the dog needed to be walked and…

just sift as you can, it does seem to make a difference.

Cream the butter with the sugar in a large mixing bowl.

Beat in the eggs, one at a time.

Mash the bananas with the milk, then add to the creamed butter and sugar along with the flour mixture, mixing just until everything is moistened and you have a thick batter.

04aBreadBakedbfLOAdd the nuts if you are using them. Black walnuts are incredible in this bread, but English walnuts or pecans are good, too.

Apply cooking spray to one (or two) loaf pans, add the batter, then bake for one hour, or until a pick inserted in the center comes out clean. My bananas were really old, and I was fresh out of nuts to add, so my two loaves took a touch over 60 minutes to bake.

06BBreadSliceCreamCheesebfLORemove the bread from the oven and allow to cool on a rack for ten minutes, then turn out of the loaf pan(s).

You can certainly slice and enjoy this tasty bit o’ bread-y goodness warm, or allow it to cool completely and enjoy later.

Rich likes his with just a bit of butter.

I prefer mine with a schmear of cream cheese (chive cream cheese is surprisingly tasty – the savory complimenting the sweet).

It’s all good.



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