Pork Tenderloin

03bPorkSlicebfLOA while ago, I did a post about a very tasty chicken souvlaki sammich; then I posted a parfait! recipe for just the marinade/salad dressing used to flavor the chicken.

Now, we’re back again with the Greek-style marinade, but this time, I decided to try it out on a pork tenderloin.

The results? Pretty darned nice! The tenderloin was moist and flavorful, and the one-pan, stove top and oven cooking method was a snap.

Greek Dressing/Marinade:
•1-1/2 tsp oregano
•1-1/2 tsp thyme
•1/4 tsp black pepper
•1/4 tsp Aleppo pepper
•Pinch garlic powder
•2-1/2 tsp red wine vinegar
•1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
•4 tbsp olive oil

•1-1/4 lb pork tenderloin
•2 cloves garlic, chopped
•2 or 3 tbsp Greek dressing
•Sliced sweet onion
•Olive oil

Whisk the dressing/marinade ingredients together until nicely blended and stash in a tightly lidded jar – you may need to give it a good shake to blend it all just before using.

02aPorkOnionPanbfLOPlace the tenderloin in a gallon sized zipper bag along with the garlic and two or three tablespoons of the dressing/marinade.

Close the bag, give a good toss and twirl to coat all sides of the tenderloin with the dressing, then place on a rimmed plate (to catch any leakages) and stash in the fridge for a couple of hours or, as always, much more better, over night, giving the bag a flip and a squeeze when you think to.

02dPorkBrownedbfLOWhen ready to cook, remove the tenderloin from the fridge and allow to come to room temperature on the counter.

Heat your oven to 400º, and warm a bit of olive oil into an oven-safe skillet over medium high heat.

Remove the tenderloin from the marinade and add to the hot skillet along with the garlic and marinade from the bag and the chopped onion.

04aPorkRiceQuinoabfLOSear the tenderloin on all sides until nicely browned – about four minutes per side should do it, then pop the whole thing into the oven to finish cooking for another 15 minutes or so – a thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the tenderloin should read 137º.

Remove from the oven and transfer the tenderloin to a platter.

Cover loosely with foil and let rest for ten minutes before slicing.

Perfectly prepared pork, and a nice dressing for a side salad, too!

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2 Responses to Pork Tenderloin

  1. Jane says:

    This was great. Dick and I loved it and now have all these yummy leftovers!

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