Wicked Easy Pizza Sauce

At this point, I cannot recall how, exactly, Detroit style pizza came to my attention. It was either in an article or a novel or something, but it kinda became an obsession, so, I ordered a Detroit style pizza pan (as one does), and set about looking for recipes.

Jeff Mauro had recipes for the sauce and dough, which really piqued my interest because they looked, it seemed to me, too simple to work, but then, he wouldn’t have put it one the interwebs if they didn’t, so…

Sauce today, dough tomorrow, so you have more than enough time to order your own Detroit pizza pan.

•1 tbsp olive oil
•2 tsp dried Italian seasoning
•2 cloves garlic, minced
•28 oz can crushed tomatoes
•2 tsp sugar
•1/4 tsp Seasoned Salt
•1/4 tsp black pepper
•1/4 tsp Aleppo pepper
•1 tbsp Sherry Peppers Sauce*

*No Sherry Peppers Sauce? No Problem! Simply add a bit of decent sherry (none of that “cooking” stuff) and a dash or three of your fave hot sauce, to taste.

Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, then add the Italian seasoning and garlic. Cook, stirring constantly, for about two minutes, until fragrant.

Add the remaining ingredients and simmer, stirring often, for about 30 minutes, until the sauce has reduced and thickened.

That is it.

Amazing, no?

And pretty darned tasty, too, so why not put a batch together now. You can stash it in the fridge until you get that pan and I show you the dough recipe.

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