Hot Water Corn Bread

HotWaterCornbreadScoopbfLOHow’s this for a quick little Thanksgiving put-up?

Cornmeal, a little salt and sugar, plus a dab o’ butter, stirred together with some boiling water just until the butter melts and then fried.

Truth be told, this recipe, which I found on da Google after seeing it made in Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, could use a bit of sumpin’ sumpin’ to add flavor – mebbe bacon fat or peanut oil for frying the patties – but since I plan on using this batch as part of our dressing for the bourbon and apple turkey tomorrow; I don’t mind the blanditity.

•1 cup cornmeal
•1 tsp salt
•1 tsp sugar
•1 tbsp shortening (I used unsalted butter)
•3/4 cup boiling water

I had thought of adding a bit of garlic powder or chives or paprika or whatever, but, for a change, stuck to the recipe.

HWCornBreadFlattenedbfLOPlace the cornmeal, salt, sugar, and shortening in a bowl and pour the boiling water over all.

Stir just until the shortening is melted, and divide the dough into tablespoon sized balls on a bit of parchment or waxed paper. The recipe I found claims that this recipe will make an even dozen patties, but after HWCornbreadFrytingTurnedbfLOmaking two batches, my one tablespoon measure scoop yielded exactly 11 for each batch.

Flatten the balls into patties and heat some oil or bacon fat in a large skillet.

Fry the patties in the oil for about five minutes, turning once, just until they’re golden brown and crisp.

HWCornbreadDonebfLODrain on paper towels and serve hot with maple syrup or honey – OR – as I plan; set them aside to get a bit stale and crumble into your wild rice, ‘shroom, and dried cherry dressing.

Which, ermmm, I will post as soon as I’ve decided how much of what goes where when.

Happy Day, all!

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