Potsticker Sauce

02SauceBowlbfLOI’ve always loved that sauce that comes with the potstickers in a Chinese restaurant, and was wicked pleased to have come across THE recipe in an old cookbook down in my stacks: 365 Ways to Cook Chinese.

The sauce goes perfectly with my Potsticker Meatballs, and I was a bit surprised when I went looking for my digital copy and notes of the recipe that I had only saved it as an add-on to that recipe. It is simple and quick to make, calls for nothing too exotic, and will last for a while in the fridge. Good stuff.

•1/4 cup low-sodium Tamari or soy sauce
•1/4 cup seasoned rice wine vinegar
•1 tsp Earl’s (or other hot sauce)
•1 tbsp sesame oil
•1 tsp sugar
•1 scallion, sliced
•1 clove garlic, minced

03SauceBowlbfLOWhisk together the Tamari, rice vinegar, Earl’s, sesame oil, and sugar in a bowl.

Leave it like this, and it’s OK. It’ll also last just about forever (well, months) in your fridge, BUT…

Add the sliced scallion and the minced garlic, and NOW you have yourself one fine potsticker sauce! But, it’ll only last a week or two in the fridge.

I think the shorter shelf life is more than made up for be the increase in flavor; but you do what you like.

Happy potstickering!

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