Best! Lois’ Bean Salad

BeanSaladHipbfLOWell… in the spirit of full disclosure, Lois said she found this recipe on; but I discovered this wickedly good (and deliciously simple to toss together) recipe when she brought it to a family gathering in Indiana.

I really like the balance of sweet to vinegar, and the slight crunch of the chick peas, kidney, and black beans compliments the green and waxed beans nicely.

I did double up on the pepper, tho’…

•1 can Green Beans
•1 can Wax Beans
•1 can Chick Peas
•1 can Kidney Beans
•1 can Black Beans
•1/2 cup Cider Vinegar
•1/2 cup Canola Oil
•1/2 cup Sugar
•1 tsp Seasoned Salt
03AddDressingbfLO•1 tsp Tellicherry Pepper

Drain the beans and rinse well.

Whisk the sugar, salt, and the pepper with the cider vinegar and canola oil and pour over the beans in a large bowl.

Toss to coat the beans well.

That’s it!

06bBeanSaladBLTbfLOYou can serve this salad right now, or cover it and stash it in the fridge to chill; it’s all good.

I made ours early in the day and served it alongside BLTs made with toasted Sweet Honey French Bread and barefoot contessa’s Maple Roasted Bacon.

One. Fine. Supper.

And one tasty bean salad!

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