We’re workin’ on it…


Here we are.

Smack dab in with a new server and new web host and, y’know what? We’re not doing too, too bad!

Lost a wee, tiny bit of data, and, ermmm, it would seem, many of the images, but ALL of the posts are here, and the search function, and the links between posts and other resources, so all in all, we’re good.

Since this is my second blog move in a week – KissingSpotCreative.com, the on-line portfolio for my other career as a freelance art director and designer, transitioned first – and both have arrived more-or-less whole, but with most of the images missing, I’ll be spending this week cleaning stuff up, so, sorry about no new posts – BUT! all your old 404bfLOfavorites are still here and available.

Ermmm, one more, wee, tiny thing… any of your old search engine links to buzzyfoods may very well give you the ever-popular ‘404 page not found’ screen.

Fret not!

There is a link that will whisk you to the latest buzzyfoods.com post, and from there, feel free to use that search field-thingy to find what you were lookin’ for.

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