Celery Seed Salad Dressing

04cCSDressingSaladbfLOwel-l-l, let us say celery and poppy seed dressing; I had somehow allowed myself to run out of celery seed. Time for a trip North, I guess.

Still, this makes for a nice, tangy dressing – kindofa version of a bottled dressing popular around the Midwest. Nice on a salad, I’m thinkin’ pretty darned spectacular on cole slaw or mebbe even chicken salad, but, it is sweet. As with most salad dressing recipes I’ve come across, I automatically cut the amount of sugar called for in half…

01CelerySeedDressingIngredientsbfLOwhew! This is still one pretty sweet (but tangy) dressing! If that’s what you’re looking for, feel free to keep the sugar at 1/4 cup, but for me, next time it’ll be two tablespoons.

Ermmm, and I’ve restocked my spice rack, so mebbe next time it’ll just be one tablespoon of celery seed instead of the celery/poppy mix I used here – tho’ that turned out fine.

•1 cup mayonnaise
•2 tbsp sugar
•1/2 cup finely chopped onion
•1/3 cup red wine vinegar
•1 tsp celery seed
•2 tsp poppy seed
•1/4 tsp turmeric
•1/4 tsp garlic powder
•1/8 tsp seasoned salt

04aCSDressingJarbfLOAdd the chopped onion to a blender jar with the sugar, vinegar, and seasonings. Top it all off with the mayonnaise, then give it a good whizzz to combine, scraping down the sides once or twice.

That’s it, and very pleasant, too! Transfer to a jar and stash in the fridge for a few hours to allow the flavors to blend, then you’re good to go.

06CSDressingCrepeManicottibfLONote: if you’d like, you could easily make this with home made mayonnaise – hey, the blender is already dirty. This classic version is nice, or, if you have a thing about raw eggs and an immersion blender, there’s this also very pleasant option.

We had our tangy (if sweet) dressing on a romaine, feta, and tomato salad along side some crêpes, stuffed manicotti-style, then baked.

Oh, does that sound like an interesting recipe?

It is. Mebbe even better than the traditional pasta dish, and vegetarian, too! Tho’, ermmm, kinda loaded with cheese.

Check out all the details; tomorrow…

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