Parfait! Tomatoes!

Tomatoes07252013VertbfLOYes! We have tomatoes!

Small, certes, but MANY in number, and SEVERAL ripe enough to pick and toss into a salad…

or, mebbe to slice in half and add, along with roasted garlic, fresh mozzarella, and some peppery leaves of basil and arrange on a bit of flat bread on the grill.

Of course, you could buy that bit of bread at Target, and you would be most well pleased with the results.


you could decide to make your own flat bread, and then I believe you would be wicked well pleased with the results.

It’s all good – and I would have had images and results to post…


B&DTreebfLOI’ve been working like mad to re-link images and update older posts ever since we transitioned to the new servers, and, just this evening, have completed relinking and updating ALL of 2011 – and am felling pretty darned pleased with myself.

As a matter of fact, I left off on posts page 38 and on Christmas Day, 2010; so, Christmas in July is, indeed, a thing.

Happy Christmas (2010)! and happy searching of past posts through (very) late 2010!

My goal is to have all past posts and images updated by the end of this month.

Wish me luck!

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