Oven Barbecued Pork Chops

04bChopsPlatebfLOI came across a recipe for oven barbecued pork chops that looked pretty good – if a bit fussy. It called for browning the chops in a bit of oil before then adding to a casserole and topping with a barbecue sauce.

I figured a buttermilk marinade and rolling in corn flake crumbs before baking, covered, for a while before adding the sauce would work just about as well, and without the whole browning in oil bit.

It did.

•2 tbsp white vinegar
•Milk to measure 2 cups
•1 tbsp sherry peppers sauce (or hot sauce)
•1 tsp garlic powder
•1 tsp dried parsley

•4 boneless pork chops
•Corn flake crumbs
•1 small onion, chopped
•2 tbsp vegetable oil
•1/2 cup water
•3 tbsp cider vinegar
•3/4 cup chili sauce
•1/4 cup ‘sup! (or ketchup)
•2 tbsp honey
•1/4 tsp dry mustard
•1 tsp hot sauce
•1 tsp lower-salt soy sauce (or tamari)

03aChopsBreadedbfLOMake the marinade by add the white vinegar to a measuring cup then adding milk to measure two cups. Stir and let rest for five minutes, then add the remaining ingredients. Pour over the chops in a gallon-sized zipper bag, then stash in the fridge – on a rimmed plate or in a flat bottomed bowl (to catch any possible drips) – for at least eight hours or (much more better) overnight, give the bag a flip, and mebbe a squeeze or two, when you think to.

When ready to cook, preheat oven to 350º, remove the chops from the marinade, and roll in corn flake crumbs to coat.

03bChopsSaucebfLOArrange in a foil-lined baking pan, cover, and bake for one hour.

While the chops are baking, whisk together the remaining ingredients and set aside.

After the chops have been in the oven for an hour, remove the cover and pour the barbecue sauce over all.

04aChopsPlatebfLOReturn, uncovered, to the oven for another 30 minutes, then remove and let lest for ten minutes before serving.

We had ours with some organic sea salt and olive oil frozen fries and my favorite French peas on the side.

Nice dinner, and a very nice barbecue sauce.





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