Parfait! Peppered Pâté

06cPateCrackerbfLOWhat’s not to love about this tasty little treat? It’s a snap to make, too; one large skillet, a couple of bowls, a food processor, and, well, rather a lot of good butter, but, hey!, this is an occasion food, right?

Our friend Barbara liked it a lot, tho’ she’d never had pâté before. Our other friend Barbara, liked it a lot as well, because she didn’t think it was too peppery – which is kinda strange since I quadrupled the amount of Tellicherry pepper called for and added a nice bit of Aleppo to boot.

01bChickenLiversbfLOStill and all, this is one fine pâté, and you really should consider putting a batch on your coming holiday munchies table.

•9 tbsp unsalted butter (1 stick + 1 tbsp)
•1 onion, diced
02cOnionAppleCookedbfLO•1 large garlic clove, sliced
•1 shallot, diced
•1 tsp sea salt
•1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
•1 Granny Smith apple; peeled and cored
•1/4 tsp allspice
•1 lb chicken livers, trimmed
•1 tsp black pepper
•1/2 tsp Aleppo pepper
•2 tbsp brandy

Melt four tablespoons of the butter over medium heat, then add the onion, garlic and shallot with 1/2 teaspoon of the salt and sauté for four minutes.

04aLiversOnionApplebfLOAdd the apple and allspice and cook for another five minutes, then transfer to a bowl.

Melt another four tablespoons of butter over medium heat and add the chicken livers, another 1/2 teaspoon of salt and the black pepper.

Cook the livers for five minutes, turning often.

05bPatebfLOReturn the apple and onion mixture to the skillet along with the chopped parsley and cook for another four or five minutes, until the livers are cooked through.

Remove from the heat and stir in the brandy, then transfer to the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade.

Add the remaining tablespoon of butter and process until smooth.

Note: the pâté will still be wicked hot, so remove the feed tube cover from your processor lid to allow the steam to escape while processing.

06aPatebfLOTaste the pâté (good, yes?), add salt or more pepper if you think it needs it, then pack tightly into a couple of small crocks or terrines, cover with plastic wrap, and stash in the fridge.

You can eat your pâté immediately, but it’ll be much more better if allowed to rest and chill overnight.

Serve with bread or crackers; and I wouldn’t say no to a decent bottle of champagne, preferably Nicolas Feuillatte.

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