Carne Asada Sweet Potato Fries (With Tots!)

03cPlatterbfLOTasty, marinated and grilled or roasted beef is served over sweet potato fries with roasted onion, roasted red pepper, jalapeñoes; then topped with diced fresh tomato, scallions, and shredded cheese.

The tots were just a courtesy detail.

And, because I was just a little light in the sweet potato fries department.

Still, as worked well, and made for a very fine dinner. Or munchie. Your choice.

•1/4 cup soy sauce
•2 limes, juiced
•1 tsp salt
•1 tsp garlic powder
•1/2 tsp paprika
•1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
01bShortRibsbfLO•1/2 tsp cumin
•1/2 tsp oregano
•1/2 tsp BBQ rub
•1 tbsp Sherry Peppers Sauce*

•2 lb boneless beef short ribs**
•2 sweet onions, sliced
•1 red pepper, chopped
•1 jalapeño pepper, sliced
•Sherry Peppers Sauce

•Shredded cheese
•Sliced scallions
•Diced tomato
•Sour cream

*No Sherry Peppers Sauce? No worries! Substitute your favorite steak sauce or hot sauce or condiment of choice.

02cRibs90MinutesbfLO**We get these boneless beauties at Costco, but you could also use flank steak.

Whisk the marinade ingredients together and stash in a gallon sized zipper bag.

Add the ribs, close, toss to coat well with the marinade, then pop in the fridge on a rimmed plate or platter (to catch any leaks) over night, flipping the bag and mebbe giving the ribs a light squeeze when you think to.

When ready to cook heat your oven to 350º and arrange the onion and peppers in the bottom of a large roasting pan.

Place the ribs on top of the veggies, cover the pan tightly with foil, and roast for 90 minutes.

02dSlicedbfLOAt this point, you can go two ways; either finish the ribs on the grill, brushing with Sherry Peppers Sauce (or your condiment of choice), or, rest the oven to 425º, then remove and discard the foil, brush the ribs with the SPS (or whichever condiment) and return to the oven for five or ten minutes.

03aPlatterCheesebfLORemove from the grill or oven and set aside to rest for 20 minutes while you assemble the rest of the dish.

I used frozen Alexia crinkle cut sweet potato fries (and those tots) that I seasoned with Gateway to the North Maple Garlic Seasoning (you could use your fave steak seasoning) and roasted more or less according to package instructions.

03bPlatterbfLOOnce the fries are ready, slice your ribs across the grain and put the dish together. I could’ve done individual servings, but went for a platter. If you’re planning this for a crowd, I would go individual plates or bowls or something, because it could get messy; but for two to four folk, the platter is kinda cool looking.

Arrange the fries on the bottom of the platter, top with the sliced ribs and the roasted onion and peppers from the baking pan, then top with your shredded cheese of choice.

04aPlatebfLOI popped the platter into the turned off but still quite warm oven for five minutes to melt the cheese, then pulled it out, topped with tomatoes and scallion (Rich was not feeling the love for sliced avocado), and served.

I drizzled a bit of additional Sherry Peppers Sauce over mine, Rich added a dollop or three of sour cream to his.

We were both very happy with dinner.


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