Vietnamese Iced Coffee

04aIcedCoffeebfLOWhat makes this Vietnamese iced coffee?

I have absolutely no clue.

As a matter of fact, it tastes suspiciously like the Thai iced coffee I always order at my favorite noodle shop in the city – and that is not a bad thing at all.

I do know that having a pitcher of this chilling in the fridge is a very nice way to beat a sticky summer afternoon into submission.

•1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
•1 (12 cup) pot of Café Du Monde coffee

Brew the coffee – I use six heaping coffee measures – in your machine of choice (ours is a percolator) and set aside to cool.

02bAddMilkbfLOTransfer the coffee to a pitcher and add the sweetened condensed milk, stirring to combine.

Serve over ice in a tall glass.


You could, if you like, use ice cubes made from leftover coffee, or add a splash of your favorite liqueur, but, having tried it both ways, I vote for just plain, bitingly cold, and over regular ice.

Vietnamese. Thai. Pan-Asian.

Call it what you will, I call it delicious.

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