Boneless Beef Short Ribs Slathered in Mustard

05cRibsRisottobfLOTake your ribs (and barbecue) in a slightly different direction with this slow oven method combining a very nice spice rub and a surprisingly mellow mustard sauce.

Taking the time to allow the ribs to rest in the rub before baking allows the rub to almost caramelize around the meat; and the slow roasting, covered for an hour at 250º and then uncovered, but slathered in the mustard sauce for an hour at 325º will yield tender, tasty ribs; without bothering with the grill…

02bRibsbfLOTho’ you could certainly finish ’em off on one, if you like.

•4 boneless beef short ribs (about 2 lb)
•Enough peeled, thickly sliced sweet onion to cover the bottom of a 2 qt (10.5 x 7.25) baking dish – mebbe two medium

•1/4 cup brown sugar
•2 tbsp raw sugar
•1 tbsp paprika
•1 tbsp sea salt
•1 tbsp Black and Red Spice*
•1 tsp onion powder
•1 tsp garlic powder
•1 tsp Vadouvan French Masala Curry

02eRubbedbfLOMustard Sauce:
•1/2 cup yellow mustard
•2 tbsp pickle juice
•2 tbsp rice vinegar
•1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
•1 tbsp Sherry Peppers Sauce
•1/2 tsp garlic powder
•1/2 tsp Vadouvan French Masala Curry

*Or 1-1/2 teaspoons each Tellicherry and Cayenne pepper.

Stir the mustard sauce together in a small bowl and set aside to allow the flavors to blend.

03bAddMustardbfLOStir the rub ingredients together in another small bowl until well mixed.

Line the bottom of a two quart baking dish with the sliced onion and arrange the ribs over the top.

Heat your oven to 250º.

Apply the rub to all sides of the ribs, patting it into the meat, then set aside to rest for 30 minutes.

04aMustardFirstbfLOCover the baking pan tightly with foil and bake for one hour.

Turn the ribs over, raise the temp to 325º, recover the pan, and cook for another 30 minutes.

Remove the cover, slather the ribs with the mustard sauce, and return to the oven, uncovered, for 30 minutes more.

Turn the ribs over, add additional mustard sauce, and cook for 30 more minutes.

05aMustardRibsbfLONote: instead of this last 30 minute slather and baking, you could finish the ribs off on the grill, brushing them with the last of the mustard sauce as you go; but you’re gonna want to be careful with how you handle them, as they will by now be wicked tender; mebbe consider a spatula instead of tongs for moving and flipping.

We thoroughly enjoyed ours with a ‘shroom risotto and tossed salad on the side.

Oh, you’d like details on the risotto?

No problem!


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