Not Your Momma’s Egg Salad (Plus, a Bonus!)

Not to say that there is anything wrong with your momma’s egg salad. For me, I don’t recall my mom every making the stuff, and the concoctions I came across at gatherings and university cafeterias made me kinda glad she didn’t.


This egg salad really is different, and, I think, better than your more usual salads made out of eggs; more flexible, too, just look at some on a cracker with asparagus.

And let me tell you, it was goood!

What makes these so different? I do have some pretty custom ingredients in here, but the real game changer, for me, was the mustard, or allow me to be perfectly clear, the home made honey mustard, which comes together in minutes, and contains nothing but real ingredients. And that recipe, available elsewhere on this here blog thing-y, is your bonus content to today’s post because I really feel it is that important to making these eggs as nice as they are.

Note: I am at home alone this week while my husband travels for work, so I just made a small amount of egg salad. The honey mustard dressing will be more than enough for you to scale the salad recipe up three of four times.

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing:
•1/2 cup mayonnaise
•1/4 cup yellow mustard
•1/4 cup honey
•1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
•1/4 tsp Seasoned Salt
•1/4 tsp black pepper
•1/4 tsp Aleppo pepper

To make the dressing, combine all of the ingredients together in a large bowl until well blended, an immersion blender works a treat here, then transfer to a covered jar and stash in the fridge until needed.

Egg Salad:
•2 large eggs
•2 tbsp mayonnaise
•Chopped red onion
•1/2 tsp dried parsley
•1/4 tsp Salad Elegant
•1/2 tsp Honey Mustard
•1 tsp Sherry Peppers Sauce*
•Kosher salt
•Black pepper
•Aleppo pepper

*No Sherry Peppers Sauce? No Problem! Simply add a bit of decent sherry (none of that “cooking” stuff) and a dash or three of your fave hot sauce, to taste.

Note: Salad Elegant is a tasty blend of spices, seasonings, and Parmesan cheese available from the nice folk at Penzey’s on line and in their stores. Check them out.

Add cold water to cover your eggs by an inch or so, then bring just to the boil, uncovered,  over high heat.

Cover the pan, remove from the heat and let rest for about ten minutes for large eggs.

Remove the eggs from the water and place in a bowl of ice water to cool them down and stop them from cooking any further.

Once cooled, peel and make your salad, or stash in the fridge for up to two days.

Note: making a lot of eggs and find the peeling is a pain? Try this pressure cooker method, which will give you perfect eggs that are easier to peel. No joke!

Honey mustard dressing made, and the eggs cooled and peeled, let us get to making us some championship egg salad.

Stir the honey mustard together with the mayonnaise, red onion and other seasonings until nicely mixed.

Chop the eggs roughly and add to the honey mustard mixture, mashing with a fork until the egg salad is well blended.

Transfer to a bowl and stash in the fridge until needed.

I used a bit the evening I made the egg salad over an asparagus and blue cheese salad, then topped that with frizzled Mortadella, Genoa Salami, and Coppa; then drizzled a bit of my new Swiss Salad Dressing (details to come) over all.

This was one pretty terrific salad, and I plan on sharing it with friends in the near future.

But, don’t forget the goodness than can be this egg salad on top of a crispity cracker topped with asparagus tips or capers, or perhaps a slice of cucumber with a piece of Cowboy Candy on top, or spread into a stalk of celery and sprinkled with chopped chives.

Really, who knew that egg salad could be so very interesting?

And tasty!


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