Buffalo Chicken Stromboli

01StroboliPlateBlueCheeseCelerybfLOI got this recipe from the nice folk at Pillsbury®, who would have really preferred I used their refrigerated pizza crust and a bottle of Buffalo Wing Sauce, but I had other plans…

I had more than enough dough leftover from making flat bread – it is actually a toss up whether it was the flat bread or this stromboli that got me to making a batch of dough in the first place – and I did a little surfing around on da Google and found a very nice looking authentic sauce recipe.

Poached Chicken:
•1 tbsp minced onion
•1 tbsp dried shallots
•Hearts and leaves from 2 bunches of celery
•1/4 cup minced fresh parsley
•1 small bay leaf
•Pinch of thyme
12SauceIngredientsbfLO•1/3 cup white vermouth – or 1/2 cup dry white wine
•2 cups chicken stock
•3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Anchor Bar Style Wing Sauce:
•1/2 cup Earl’s (or other) hot sauce
•8 tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter or margarine
•1-1/2 tbsp white vinegar
•1/4 tsp Cayenne
•1/8 tsp garlic powder
•1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
•Salt to taste

•Pizza dough, refrigerated, or this version
•Blue Cheese Dressing, this, or Marie’s

Poaching the Chicken:
Add the onion, shallots, celery, parsley, bay leaf and thyme in a pot along with the white vermouth and the chicken stock and give it all a good stir.

Add the chicken breasts, and enough water to cover them, if needed, and bring just to a boil.

12ChickenDrainbfLOReduce the heat, cover, and poach the chicken for 20 minutes, until it is cooked through and firm. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside to rest, still covered, for 3o minutes.

11ButterSeasoningsPotbfLORemove the chicken from the stock and shred or dice it. You might want to let the shredded chicken sit in a colander or sieve set over a bowl to capture any of the excess poaching liquid. Ermmm, you might also then want to strain and save that poaching liquid – it will be a lovely chicken stock.

Making the Wing Sauce:
Place the butter in a small sauce pan with your hot sauce of choice (apparently, Frank’s is the traditional sauce used at the Anchor Bar, tho’ a lot of folk seem to prefer Crystal – I will stick with Earl’s), the vinegar, Cayenne, garlic powder, Worcestershire sauce, and salt to taste.

08SauceReadybfLOCook over low heat, stirring every now and then, until the butter is melted and the sauce comes to a simmer.

Remove from the heat, your sauce is ready – I gave mine a good whisking to make sure that everything was nicely blended.

Putting it All Together:
Add 1/2 cup of the cooled wing sauce with the shredded chicken in a bowl and toss to combine well. Set aside to rest while you get your dough together.

DoughRolledOutbfLORoll out your dough of choice into a rectangle on a board you have dusted lightly with flour or (more better, I think) corn meal.

Arrange the chicken mixture down the center of the dough.

05StromboliSealedbfLONote: the nice folk at Pillsbury® called for topping the chicken mixture with about 1/3 cup crumbled blue cheese, which I did, but thought it was just too much with the blue cheese dressing as a dip/topping sauce – and I love blue cheese. More better, I think, to leave the cheese out, or, mebbe add a nice provolone.

Cheese or no, fold the short sides of the dough up over the chicken – it should come up and over by about 1 inch – then fold the long sides up and over to cover.

Dab a little water under the top edge of the dough to seal it.

Heat oven to 350°.

02StromboliBakedbfLOTransfer the stromboli to a baking sheet that you’ve lightly greased or lined with parchment paper – I opted to use my cast iron pizza ‘stone’ – cover with a clean kitchen towel, and let rest for 30 minutes.

Bake for 20 minutes, until the dough is a bit crusty and sounds hollow when lightly rapped.

Slice and serve with good blue cheese dressing (really, make your own or buy Marie’sdon’t cheap out on the dressing) and some celery sticks.

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