Reuben Rolls

14ReubenEggrollPlatebfLOWe first had these when we got together with friends at a local Irish pub/bar/restaurant/hangout place, and they were very good.

But. They were deep fried.

Then, WGN featured Reuben Rolls from another semi-local pub/bar/restaurant/hangout (don’t know if it’s Irish) place and they looked good.

But. They, too, were deep fried.

03EggRollWrapbfLOA little research, a little shopping, and a quick reference back to my Soul Rolls recipe told me that I could easily make these at home, at I wouldn’t need to use a gallon of oil or my handy deep fryer to do it.

•1 lb thick sliced deli corned beef, chopped
•3/4 cup Thousand Island Dressing
•1-1/2 tbsp caraway seed
•1-1/4 cup sauerkraut, well drained, squeezed dry, and packed
•12 oz cubed swiss cheese – about 3 cups shredded
•1 pack egg roll wrappers
•Canola Oil
Horseradish Sauce (for dipping)

Combine the corned beef, Thousand Island Dressing, caraway seed, sauerkraut, and swiss cheese together in a large bowl.

04aCornedBeefEggRollUsebfLONote: this is more than enough filling for one pack of approximately 20 wrappers, so buy 2 packs or use the extra for a Reuben ‘Za.

To fill and shape the rolls:

Lay one wrapper on a 45º angle on a board and dot the left, right, and top corners with a dab of water with your fingertips.


05CornedBeefFirstRollbfLOPlace two tablespoons of the Reuben filling a little low off-center on the wrapper.



Fold the bottom edge up and over the filling, squeezing just a bit to arrange it in a more tubular shape. Tuck the tip underneath.




06CornedBeefRollTuckbfLOFold the left and right sides over on top of the the first fold – those little dabs of water you added to the two corners will help to seal the wrap – and gently squeeze again to fill the space and tighten your now almost-completed egg roll.




Fold the top corner over all, pressing down to seal, give the roll another l’il nudge just to be certain it’s all nice and tightly filled, and set aside.

Repeat with the other wrappers. As I noted above, one pack has approximately 20 wrappers – this particular pack had only 19.

Why? Who knows, it’s a mystery.

10aRollsBrownedbfLOIn any event, once your 19 (0r 20) or done, we’re good to go to the next step:

Browning and finishing.

Heat the oven to 400º.

12bRollsServedbfLOHeat a tablespoon or two of canola oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the rolls – only two or three at a time, don’t crowd the pan. Cook the rolls only for a minute or two on each side, you just want to brown the wraps, then remove to a rack set over a foil-lined baking pan. Repeat with the remaining rolls until they are all nicely golden brown.

Transfer the rolls to the hot oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until they are a little deeper brown, crispity, and warmed though.

Serve the rolls with my favorite Horseradish Sauce on the side.

Very Good.

And not deep fried.

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