Parfait! French Carrots

02aCarrotsbfloI believe I’ve made one of my favorite good-for-you munchies just a wee, tiny bit better! Don’t get me wrong, I still love freshly sliced carrots marinated overnight in some of my favorite home made French dressing, then tossed with fresh parsley and passed as a surprisingly tasty nibble.

But, with so many friends cutting down or cutting out refined sugars, I decided to see how these crispy crunchies would taste with a dressing made from just oil, vinegar, a bit of honey, and some seasonings.

01aCarrotsbfLONot too, too bad, as it turns out.

•Fresh carrots, peeled and sliced
•Fresh parsley, minced
•2/3 cup apple cider vinegar
•1-1/3 cup veggie oil
•2 tsp garlic powder
•1/2 tsp seasoned salt
•2 tsp celery seed
•1 tbsp poppy seed
•1/4 cup honey

Arrange the carrots in a covered dish just big enough to hold them and set aside.

Add the garlic powder, seasoned salt and honey to a blender jar, pour the cider vinegar over, and pulse to combine.

04cKCDressingbfLOWith the blender running, slowly pour the veggie oil in through the hole in the lid until it has been absorbed and the dressing has emulsified.

Add the celery and poppy seeds and pulse to mix. Pour the dressing into a covered jar and stash in the fridge for use on salads, or…

Pour the dressing over the carrots, toss to coat all the slices well, then cover and stash in the fridge overnight.

When ready to serve, add the freshly chopped parsley to the carrots, toss to mix, and settle back to enjoy a tasty, not too, too bad for you, snack.

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