Parfait! Vichyssoise

02bVichyssoisebzLOYep. I am going there.

It is hot. It is sticky. My solution?

Cold. Potato. Soup.

Loaded with sour cream and heavy cream, but still, a touch lighter than my earlier versions – mebbe it’s the chicken stock.

Still also nicely seasoned with garlic and white pepper and sprinkled with chives and parsley and wicked delicious.

01aIngredientsbzLOAdmittedly, some folk do not see the wonderfulness of this soup, and that is totally fine – more for me!

Oh, one last added bonus; these is NO cooking involved in this version, so no hot kitchen on these warm summer days.

•1 can cream of potato soup
•1 can chicken broth*
•16 oz sour cream
•1/4 cup heavy cream
•1 tsp dried chives (or 1 tbsp fresh)
•1 tsp garlic powder
•1/4 tsp white pepper

•Freshly chopped parsley
•Freshly chopped chives

*For a vegetarian version, substitute good veggie stock for the chicken.

02cVichyssoisebzLOCombine in a blender and blend until well mixed and smooth, then stash in the fridge for at least a few hours or overnight before serving.

Note: I feel that a glass container chills better than plastic, so use a glass blender jar for blending and storage, if you can.

When ready to serve, give the soup another good whizzz in the blender and pour into soup bowls – or – as I have here, and just for fun, go ahead and use those champagne coupe glasses you’ve had forever.

02aVichyssoisebzLOOr, mebbe just pour some into shooter glasses and truly enjoy a “cold one.


Had to do it.

So, c’mon!

Drink your potatoes while they’re nice and icy cold!


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5 Responses to Parfait! Vichyssoise

  1. Ellen says:

    Excited to try this. Did the half sour cream version turn out ok? Thanks so much, Terry!!

    • tbuzzee says:

      Sorry, Ellen, I have not tried it yet. I will probably make it tomorrow (Saturday), and chill until Sunday; but will post my results next week.

  2. Debbi Burnett says:

    Hi Buzzy,
    Gonna try this recipe this weekend. I have been using Aunt Buzz’s original recipe without the chicken broth, more soup and less sour cream. I’ll let you know how this compares.

    • tbuzzee says:

      I misplaced her recipe a while ago (AND her chocolate mousse), and this is the closest I’ve been able to come. Buzzy

      • Debbi Burnett says:

        Sorry, I never had the mousse recipe. But the vichyssoise was 2 cans potato soup, 1 cup sour cream, 1 1/2 cans of milk, garlic powder, chives. Blend and chill. If you find the mousse recipe, please send! I still have her scotch recipe …..

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