Mixed Berry Vodka – How Was It?

A bit over a month ago, I put a batch of Mixed Berry Vodka together to serve friends at the holidaze.

The thing is, I got started late, because, stuff, and so, it has taken until this snowy January Saturday that I’ve been able to decant and sample my mixture.

The result?

Not too, too bad at all, nice flavor, terrific color, and, all in all, a keeper.


To recap.

•1.5 L vodka
•1 bag frozen sweet cherries
•1 bag frozen dark cherries
•1 bag frozen blueberries
•1 vanilla bean

Cut the cherries in half (you want to maximize the amount of cherry surface exposed to the vodka) and place in a large container along with the blueberries and the vanilla bean.

Pour the vodka over all, give it a gentle stir, then cover tightly and stash in a cool, dark place for a month or so.

When done, strain the berries and vanilla bean out and transfer your now deeply red vodka into another suitable container or two.


I don’t think that my mom-in-law will object to my using the carafe that I make her Arnold Palmer’s in when she is visiting got pressed into service for the greater good of berry infused vodka.

All in all, a nice treat.


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