Tag Archives: Chicken Enchiladas

Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas

A lot of folk were really interested when I made Rich’s mom’s Chicken Enchilada recipe so, when we were going to have a couple of friends over for Sunday dinner, I thought I might try another variation – this one … Continue reading

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Chicken Enchiladas

This comes to us from Rich’s mom’s recipe box – with a little nudge from the nice folk at Campbell’s – plus a few additions from me. It is one of his fave dinners, so, of course, he requested it … Continue reading

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Chicken Enchiladas – A Healthier Option

I make these pretty terrific chicken enchiladas, from a recipe given to me by my mom in law – and they are very, very good. But… they call for a can of cream soup, plus sour cream, plus bottled salsa, … Continue reading

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The Doris Project (TDP) Week 36: Chicken Queso Enchiladas

So, for this week’s Doris Project post, I was gonna do a chicken ‘n ‘shroom ‘n rice thing-y; but then I got to thinking it was a bit too much like the Amarillo Beef we were still looking at leftovers … Continue reading

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