Tag Archives: jello

Gluten-Free! Soda Poke Cake

When we have folk over, I always try to have something for everyone with special dietary needs; like, vegetarian, or no ‘shrooms, or nut free, or… gluten-free. And so, for a family holidaze gathering, I set out to make a … Continue reading

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Dr Pepper Jello Salad

Yeh, I went there. I made a molded jello salad, and you know what? It wasn’t half bad, and loaded with cherries and pineapple and Mandarin orange slices. Even the kids who Mira said wouldn’t touch a jello thing were … Continue reading

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There’s always room for…

yup, gotta be Jell-O. If you follow our facebook page (please, like us, really like us!) you’ll no doubt be aware of the fact that Orange Pineapple Jello Salad is pretty much the NUMBER ONE recipe searched for on this … Continue reading

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Creamy Fruit Mold

Hmmmmm. I am NOT sure about this. The picture in the ‘Memorable Molds’ section of the Jell-O Classic Recipes™ book looked rich and satin-y. This pink mass o’ goo sitting in my fridge looks a lot less like satin and  … Continue reading

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