Citrus-Sesame Chicken Wings

09WingsBowlTossedbfLOA lot of chicken wings are prepared by frying, and given a Buffalo-style hot sauce. These wings, based on a recipe from Emeril Lagasse (I begin to regret my former epithet for him), are first nicely seasoned and baked for a bit, then tossed in a sauce of citrus juice, pineapple juice, and many lovely things and baked again.

Mr Lagasse’s recipe called for some ingredients that I did not have on hand, so I made some, ermmm, adjustments, and ended up with these very nice wings.

•1 cup red grapefruit juice
•1 (8 oz) can pineapple slices in juice – whizzzed with an immersion blender
•3/4 cup sugar
•1/4 cup low salt soy sauce
•1/4 cup rice wine (not vinegar)
•1 tbsp Caribbean Calypso Seasoning
04aSeasoningsBowlbfLO•1 tbsp minced fresh garlic
•1 tbsp minced fresh ginger
•1-1/2 tsp sesame oil
•1/2 sweet onion, minced
•1/2 tsp Aleppo pepper

•2 lb chicken wings or drumettes
•1-1/2 tsp Cajun seasoning
•1/2 tsp seasoned salt
•1/4 tsp white pepper
•1 tbsp sesame seeds

Chopped fresh parsley

A few notes: Emeril’s original recipe called for orange juice, and I don’t keep it in the house. I did have some red grapefruit juice stashed in an ice cube tray in the freezer leftover from the very nice grapefruit pound cake, and so used that and added a touch more sugar to make up for the added sour. Those changes made, I made several more  to suit (as always) my pantry and my tastes. Some seasonings I make myself, and for others I rely on my trusty spice merchant; either way, links are provided with details.

03bSauceReducedbfLOWhizzz the pineapple slices (AND the juice) with an immersion blender, then add to a skillet or stir-fry pan with the grapefruit juice, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine, Caribbean Calypso Seasoning (OR just add 1 tbsp orange zest and mebbe a bit of Cayenne), garlic, ginger, sesame oil, minced sweet onion, and Aleppo pepper.

04bChickenSeasonedBowlbfLOBring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolves and liquid is reduced to a syrup, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and cover.

Heat oven to 425º

Rinse the chicken drumettes in water and drain, then toss in a large bowl with a mixture of the Cajun seasoning, the seasoned salt, and the ground white pepper.

Spread the seasoned drumettes in a single layer on a foil-lined baking pan and bake until browned – 15 minutes should do it.

07aWingsSesameSeedsbfLORemove chicken from the oven and reduce the temperature to 350º.

Transfer the chicken drumettes to a heat safe bowl and toss with half of the sauce mixture. Sprinkle with the sesame seeds and toss again.

Add a wire rack to the baking pan and apply a light coating of cooking spray.

Arrange the drummettes on the rack and pop in the oven for another 25 minutes.

08WingsBowlParsleybfLOTransfer the now nicely baked and seasoned wings to a bowl, sprinkle with the chopped fresh parsley, toss, and serve with the reserved sauce for dipping.

This was more than enough as munchies for several folk or dinner for two, and since (among all the other changes I made) I cut Emeril’s original recipe in half to begin with, this recipe can easily be doubled to accommodate a crowd.

Who will all be more than glad you did…

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