Parfait! Rémoulade

RemouladeWhiskedbfLOHappy Fourth!

In honor of the holiday, here’s a tasty sauce that’s certain to brighten up holiday sammiches and main courses – we like it on salmon – and is simple enough to toss together, it won’t put a crimp in your barbeque/picnic/beach gathering plans.

Mayonnaise, a bit of ketchup, some horseradish, Dijon mustard, and sweet relish; a simple combination that becomes so much more than the sum of its parts.

•1/2 cup good mayonnaise
•2 tbsp cup ketchup
•1 tbsp sweet pickle relish
•1 tbsp Dijon mustard
•1 tsp horseradish
•1 tsp dried parsley
•1/2 tsp hot sauce

RemouladebfLOWhisk all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl until well blended, then turn into a jar, cover, and stash in the fridge for an hour or so to let the flavors blend.

That’s all there is to it!

As I noted above, we like ours with salmon, but this fine little sauce works equally with a bit of roast beast and as a dipper for fries; you might could even try a bit in place of (at least some of) the mayonnaise in your potato salad and/or deviled eggs.

It really is all good.

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