Creamy Tomato Soup

04aSoupBowlbfLOWouldn’t today be perfect for a nice, hot bowl of tomato soup?

Home made tomato soup; ready in about the time it’ll take to open a red and white can and stir in the milk.

As a matter of fact, you’ll need to open two cans, and chop some basil, and bring out your immersion blender before adding the cream (yeh, I went cream on this soup, it was sitting in the fridge) – but there’s still not too, too much fuss for home made.

02aSoupStartbfLOThanks to the very nice folk at Lea & Perrins for posting the recipe on their web page. I added the fresh basil because, well… it’s tomato soup, and tomato soup should have fresh basil added.

•2 (14.5 oz) cans diced fire roasted tomatoes
•5 basil leaves, chopped
02dPureebfLO•1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
•1 tbsp sugar
•1-1/2 cup heavy cream

Stir the tomatoes (don’t drain them) together with the basil, Worcestershire sauce, and sugar together in a medium saucepan over moderate heat for ten minutes.

03aAddMilkbfLOGive it a good whizzz with an immersion blender, then reduce heat to low.

Stir in the cream, and heat through.

That’s it, tomato soup made pretty darned quickly, and customized to your tastes.

I didn’t add any salt to this batch, because I thought the Worcestershire sauce and canned tomatoes would have the whole sodium thing covered, but now, I’m thinkin’ a pinch of coarse sea salt might could help, along with black and Aleppo pepper.

04bSoupSammichbfLOI also wouldn’t say “no” to a tablespoon of Sherry Peppers Sauce added at the beginning, and mebbe a swirl of decent sherry at the end.

But that’s one of the best thing about home made soup, you get to make it just the way you want it.

Serve the soup with crackers, or croutons or, go full-on traditional and add a grilled cheese sammich on the side.

Now that’s what I call a lunch!

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