Honey and Dijon Pork

03aPorkSaladbfLOHere’s a dead simple way to make a moist, tasty pork tenderloin – or chops, for that matter.

The secret is the marinade, a combination of honey and Dijon mustard with a bit of my latest favorite Vadouvan French Masala Curry and Chipotle and Roasted Garlic Seasoning – tho’ feel free to use plain old curry powder and your preferred steak seasoning blend. Just toss the pork into the marinade the evening before you want to make the pork, then stash it in the fridge.

VadouvanbfLOGive the pork a squeeze and a flip when you think to, then go on with your night and day until about two hours before you want to eat.

•1/2 cup cider vinegar
•1/4 cup veggie oil
•1/4 cup honey
•3 tbsp coarse Dijon mustard
•2 tbsp Sherry Peppers Sauce
•3 garlic cloves, chopped
•1 tbsp coarse sea salt
•1 tsp crushed red pepper
•1 tsp Vadouvan French Masala Curry
•1 tsp Chipotle & Roasted Garlic Seasoning
•1 pork tenderloin (about 2-1/2 lb)

02aReadytoRoastbfLOWhisk all the ingredients together (except for the pork, of course) then add to a gallon sized zipper bag.

Add the pork, then close the bag, squeezing out any excess air in the bag, and give it a couple of flips to coat all sides of the pork with the marinade.

Place the bag on a rimmed plate (to catch any possible drippage), then pop into the fridge over night, giving the pork that light squeeze and flip whenever you think to.

02cReadybfLONote: if you’re in a rush, you can probably cut the marinade time down to four hours, but, truly, overnight is, as a rule, best.

About two hours before you plan to serve the pork, remove the tenderloin from the fridge and allow to come to room temperature on the counter.

About an hour before serving, heat your oven to 350º and line a baking pan with foil.

Remove the pork from the bag and arrange in the baking pan – discard the marinade and the zipper bag.

03bPorkSaladbfLOBake the pork for 40 minutes or so, until a thermometer inserted in the center of the pork reads 145 to 160º – medium rare to medium, which is fine, according to the pork folk on teh google. As you may note, mine came out a bit above 160º, but the pork was still moist, tender and flavorful.

Remove the pork from the oven, cover loosely with foil, and set aside to rest for ten minutes before slicing and serving.

We enjoyed ours with shaved brussels sprouts sautéed in a bit of bacon fat with onion and then topped with cubed prosciuto because, well, why not?

Those details, tomorrow.

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