Tag Archives: Brunch

Rancho Merlita Frittata

When this recipe showed up in my email from the nice folk at Kraft, it was called ‘Chilaquiles El Rancho Merlita’, but, after making it, and doing just a bit of research on da Google, I have to conclude that … Continue reading

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Bossa Nova Brunch at Firewater

We walked through the rain Sunday morning for our appointment with breakfast. Firewater sits on the Chicago River kinda-sorta underneath the American Bar Association building. On a nicer day, the terrace would have been the place to sit, but the … Continue reading

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The summer wind…

It has been a glorious day here on the edge o’ the prairie – sunny and temps in the 80s (95º if you believe the thermometer on our front porch – but I have always been a little suspicious of … Continue reading

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Tomorrow’s breakfast…

My sister and her friend Donna made it here safely from Maryland, and in good time too! I believe I have beat her 12-hour drive from Maryland to here by a bit over an hour – but I tend to … Continue reading

Posted in Bread/Pastry, Breakfast, Pork | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Leek Galette

I found this recipe in the Trib’ and, since Rich loves him some goat cheese, thought I’d give it a try. A galette is basically a quiche baked without a quiche pan – sort of a free form semi-open-faced turnover. … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers/Munchies, Bread/Pastry, Breakfast, Veggies | Tagged , , | Leave a comment