Tag Archives: Cashews

Consider the Carrot…

So, as I was saying yesterday, I’d been looking around the interwebs for a munchie that would be good, but also that would be: sugar free, wheat/gluten free, and dairy free. Tall order, right? Well, I came across this recipe … Continue reading

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Cashew Butter

We were hosting The Book Club, and I was in need of some munchies that were suitable for one member’s dietary restrictions: no wheat, no sugar, no (or so I thought) dairy. Hmmm. Tricky. But! I had a few ideas, … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizers/Munchies, Sauces/Jellies/Condiments | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Nuts; Salted, Spiced, and Nicely Candied

Everyone, it would seem, has a recipe for seasoned and candied nuts – I have about a dozen in my files, came across a few more this past week, and have a pretty decent recipe already posted – but, it … Continue reading

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