Tag Archives: Dairy-Free

Chocolate Ice…?

See, here’s the problem: I can’t really call this rich, chocolate-y frozen treat ice ‘cream’, because there isn’t a lick of dairy in it. No sugar, neither. Yep, you read that right: a  dairy free, sugar free frozen treat that … Continue reading

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Parfait! Chocolate Pretzel Cookies

OK, I have to be honest… I don’t really care for these cookies. They’re kinda dry, and I think they need some help in overall flavor profile, vis-a-vis salt to chocolate to tasty cookie base. Still, Rich’s mom LIKES ’em, … Continue reading

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Apple and Bourbon Chicken

Rich came home from a trip to Trader Joe’s with our favorite whole chicken; free-range, organic, and almost stoopidly good. I would normally just spatchcock it, toss in a bag with some olive oil, lemons, onion, salt, and rosemary, and … Continue reading

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Parfait! Dinner in an Hour

Well… with just a little bit of advance effort and planning on behalf of the chicken. Still, yes, you can have this dinner; Nigella’s Chicken, Roasted Asparagus, and Roasted Baby Potatoes, all from one oven, and all cooked at the … Continue reading

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Honey Rye Sammich Rolls

I’d been thinking about my Challah Sammich Rolls. I like ’em, but the butter and egg had me considering alternatives. Which got me to thinking about my go-to dead-simple bread machine bread; Sweet Honey French Bread – which I have … Continue reading

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Parfait! Whoopie Pies – Now Dairy Free!

Well… in truth, there wasn’t that much dairy in these puppies anyway; 5 tablespoons of butter and 1 cup of milk spread over a dozen or so pies, but every little bit helps. As for that creamy, fluffy frosting? Well… … Continue reading

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

When I opened up the Sunday Parade Supplement a few weeks back and came across this recipe from Alicia Silverstone, I knew I was gonna be trying it: chocolate and peanut butter and graham crackers and dairy free (if you … Continue reading

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Chocolate Pretzel Cookies

The jury is still out on these… Rich’s mom loved ’em, but that may have been due to the fact that I made them dairy-free. I thought they were a bit on the dry side, but that may have been … Continue reading

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Salted Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunches

Tasty, dairy-free (vegan, even, if you use Earth Balance buttery spread or sticks) and pretty darned good for you, I think. Well, as good for you as a dessert munchie can be… shredded wheat, peanut butter, brown sugar, a bit … Continue reading

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Cow-B-Gone Vanilla Ice Cream

Rich and his entire digestive system have been much improved in disposition and overall comfort since he has gone (mostly) off of dairy products. Just a little bit of butter or a small schmear of cream cheese doesn’t bother him, … Continue reading

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