A Better Buffalo Sauce? I Think So.

Since I bought my Air Fryer, I have tried frozen sweet potato fries (LOVED!) and a turkey breast (also most excellent!).

Now, to test the machine out with a classic – chicken wings!

But first, I decided to do a bit of a rework on the classic Anchor Bar Buffalo Sauce recipe to go along with my new version of – now air fried – chicken wings.

I was most pleased by both!

But first, the sauce.

I opted to use seasoned rice vinegar instead of the more usual white vinegar.

And, of course, my standard Cajun Power Spicy Garlic Pepper Sauce, which is mostly the only hot sauce I use. Feel free to use your own fave in this.

•1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
•1/3 cup Cajun Power Spicy Garlic Pepper Sauce – or your fave hot sauce, to taste
•1 tbsp Sherry Peppers Sauce*
•1 tbsp rice vinegar
•1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

*No Sherry Peppers Sauce? No Problem! Simply add a bit of decent sherry (none of that “cooking” stuff) and a dash or three of your fave hot sauce, to taste.

Pop all of the sauce ingredients into a small-ish saucepan and warm over low heat until the butter is melted and everything can be whisked together into a love, spicy, vinegary hot sauce.

Set aside until your wings are ready.

Oh – you want the air fryer wing recipe?

Coming right up!


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