Tag Archives: chicken salad

A Nice Chicken Salad

Earlier this week, I made mostarda, a tasty mixture of mustard, wine, and dried fruits. Then yesterday, I made quick work of some chicken thighs in a garlic and Dijon mustard sauce for dinner. Today, we’re gonna take the leftover … Continue reading

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Coronation Chicken

So… I read. A LOT. And… I read a LOT of mysteries. And… a lot of those mysteries are set in the U.K. And… many of those mysteries, whether featuring a psychic plumber or a gay vampire history/romance author seem … Continue reading

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Macaroni Chicken Salad – The Results

So… yesterday, we had the beginning of a Doris Project post featuring a macaroni and chicken salad; but, while I was filled with concern about the sheer amount of macaroni the good folk at Creamettes pasta called for, I never … Continue reading

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The Doris Project (TDP) Week 30: Macaroni Chicken Salad, A Tale of Suspense

This week’s Doris Project recipe comes to us from a box of Creamettes macaroni, and, I gotta tell ya, it makes a heckuva lot of salad, so plan for a crowd, a pitch-in dinner, or mebbe cut the recipe in … Continue reading

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The Doris Project (TDP) Week 6: Hot Chicken Salad

This week’s Doris Project is from an anonymous magazine clipping labeled: “Original Hot Chicken Salad” and citing 1970s tradition – I know – one doesn’t often use 1970s and tradition together, but I think it works here. The recipe caught … Continue reading

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Chicken Salad with Allioli

So, I had some of that garlic-laden (but wicked tasty) batch of Allioli leftover, and, good as it was, the whole raw-egg thing had me fretting about keeping it for too, too long in the fridge, and then fretting even … Continue reading

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Toasted Pecan and Dried Cherry Chicken Salad

So far this week, we’ve had onion rings, pâté, and chuck steak – I believe it’s time for something a bit on the lighter side. I had a couple of cans of chicken in the pantry from a coupon and … Continue reading

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Curried Chicken Salad

Chicken, pineapple, scallions, celery, and Basmati rice all tossed together in a light dressing made from chicken stock, Masman curry paste, and home made honey mustard dressing. Nice. But first, let’s talk curry. Massaman (or even Matsaman) seems the more … Continue reading

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