Tag Archives: Grilled Chicken

Butter Grilled Bone-In Chicken

Rich found a deal on bone-in chicken thighs and drumsticks at our market and thought he’d like to grill them. “How do you want them prepped?” I asked. “I think just butter.” he replied. “Hmmm. An interesting choice.” So, quicklikeabunny, … Continue reading

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Beer Marinated Chicken and Beer BBQ Sauce

Chicken (thighs, in this case), marinated in spiced beer overnight, then grilled and brushed with a beer based barbecue sauce. Hmmm… I am seeing a theme here. In truth, the beer marinade is kindofa classic for many meats, and the … Continue reading

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Parfait! Nigella’s Chicken

One of our favorite ways to have chicken, this recipe, from Nigella Lawson, is also wicked simple to toss together and flexible, to boot! Have a whole chicken? Perfect! Pieces? Also perfect! Planning on grilling? No problem! Roasting? Ditto! You … Continue reading

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Island Spiced Grilled Chicken

WHICH island? I’m not sayin’ – since I get zapped by someone with nothing better to do with themselves most times I label a recipe by region, especially SOME regions, if you know what I mean. So. Let us call … Continue reading

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Parfait! Nigella’s Chicken

A new Trader Joe’s opened kindasorta close to our house a while ago, and we decided to check it out. The one (previously) closest to us was always packed with rude, pushy shoppers, and I always needed to psych myself … Continue reading

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Herbed Chicken With White Barbecue Sauce

We were poking around a cool new (to us – it had been a while since our last visit) shop in the Milwaukee Public Market when Rich came across this jar of white barbecue sauce that quite intrigued him. By … Continue reading

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